Saturday, February 21, 2009

Michael Tait and Humility

I went to a concert last night! The tix were second row and FREE, so I went! (Shout out to my bro-in-law, Andrew Widener!) Up first was Bread of Stone, who was basically a teen Christian band who jumped around and was a little crazy. Second was Vota, who was pretty slammin', but relatively unknown. Then Newsboys, the big band, was up third.

I will have to write some other time about my not-usually-positive attitude for Contemporary Christian Music, but I do know a little about it. And the pioneers of this 'genre' (can we say sub-culture) were DC Talk, probably doing their Christian rock/rap in the early 90's. When I was kid, they were awesome!

Anyway, one of the lead musicians with DC Talk, Michael Tait, was standing at the front of the backstage area watching the show. He was jamming with the first two bands, and for a few of Newsboys songs. But what I found most amazing was what happened during intermission.

At the intermission, Michael Tait and one of the guys from Bread of Stone, were standing by the fence that seperated the main area from backstage. And a couple of girls came up for autographs. But they leaned across Michael Tate, and asked for an autograph, FROM THE BREAD OF STONE GUY! WHAT?!?! Don't they realize who they just ignored? Michael Tait and DC Talk blazed the path that made Contemporary Christian Music possible!

But Michael just stepped back, smiled and encouraged the Bread of Stone guy forward. I was impressed with his humility. Hope you are too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate hearing about Michael Tate's humility. That helps me with the new news for The Newsboys.
I was at the Dallas Acquire the Fire/Battlecry Sat. night 3/7/09. Michael was introduced as a guest singer. I was standing in the very front, I waved a little wave as he looked at me. I thought it humorous and polite that he leaned towards me and waved this funny little wave back. Toward the end he made the surprise announcement that he is the new lead singer for The Newsboys. At the end before bowing together, arms around each other's waists, he said, "We are The Newsboys". Totally shocked us all. Try googling that. Not much out there yet, but it's all true.


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