Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Good Stuff to Check Out

I thought I would share with you some of the best blogs/articles I have read recently, so that you can maybe check them out to:

Here I read about experimenting with leadership ideas in life for 30 days to see if they are workable and solid.

Here I read some good advice from Seth Godin on how to expect and deal with criticism of your writing.

Here and Here I began reading some Biblical advice for husbands from Perry Noble. Check back to his site for more later. (for MEN ONLY!!!!)

Here is a funny Engrish post. (Engrish is a product that was produced in a foreign country, but the translation into English was a little awkward. Beware, not all Engrish is appropriate, but this one was funny!)

This is a pretty good article/commentary on 1 Peter 3:7 concerning husbands and wives for guys. (Ladies, you can read it too!)

Oh yeah, I can't forget this post from lifechurch.tv about having half the meetings and twice the productivity. Doesn't that sound great?

Okay, just one more: this post by Carlos Whittaker (worship guy in ATL) is a great post to get your brain rolling on worship. He writes as the worship leader to a typical Sunday worshipper.

Anyway, I thought I would share some of the things that have grabbed my attention lately.


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